Archive of Supplemental Resources

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Call to Support S. 1668, the Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act of 2007

Rev. Boutté invites St. John partners to support S. 1668.

The Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act of 2007 provides options for affordable housing and homeownership, including:
· Phased re-development of subsidized housing; vouchers for low-income families, the elderly and homeless; and low-income homeownership opportunities.
· Resources to cover most of the Road Home funding gap.
· Federal housing and insurance guidelines to spur the equitable development of blighted properties, and free up local mortgage capital for Gulf Coast residents.

The Senate bill “grants a right of return to previous public housing households” and “authorizes appropriations for the fair housing initiatives program.”

For a summary of the legislation, go to:

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